
Një vlerësim i sistemit anti-korrupsion në 20 bashki të Shqipërisë


“Challenges of local government units in the fight against corruption” is the assessment report which has been prepared by IDM-Albania and RiskMonitor Foundation- Bulgaria in framework of the project CIVILISC- Civil Society Instruments against Corruption, funded by the European Union.

The aim of this report is to assess the current capacities and preparedness of LGUs in the fight against corruption and identification of current capacities and knowledge of the CSOs as regards their contribution in good-governance at local level. To read more click: LGU Anticorruption-English and LGU Anticorruption-Shqip.

This project is funded by the European Union under the Civil Society Facility Civic Initiative and Capacity Building Program- Lot 1: “Promotion of Good Governance and Fight against Corruption”.

Një vlerësim i sistemit anti-korrupsion në 20 bashki të Shqipërisë
