
Presentations of the civic project: Engaging Communities in Civic Education in Albania

Highlights from the presentations of the civic project “Engaging Communities in Civic Education in Albania”

This project is working with religiously-affiliated and public high schools in the following communities: Tirana, Shkodra, Durrës, Elbasan, Kavaja, Korça, Librazhd, Pogradec, Prrenjas and Rrogozhina. The students are given ample opportunities to engage in a variety of community projects and demonstrate their civic and leadership skills as well as their willingness to become agents of change in their schools and communities.

The project intends to help students of diverse backgrounds to better know their communities and their problems and work together to try to find solutions for them. The project will further interaction between religious groups and other community actors (local government, NGOs, media), promote civic principles in curricula in public and private (especially religious) schools, and implement concrete projects that benefit all community members, encouraging dialogue, tolerance, and civic engagement.

Read more: Highlights from Project Citizen presentations 2018



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