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Promoting Participatory Democracy: IDM’s Parliament-to-Citizen Forum in Albania

On April 16, 2024, the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) hosted a significant event in Albania, the Parliament-to-Citizen Forum, aimed at promoting participatory democracy and fostering dialogue between citizens and their Parliament. This initiative was built on a foundation of regional workshops that empowered civil society with the skills and knowledge to engage meaningfully in parliamentary processes.

The forum brought together a diverse group of over 70 participants, including MPs, parliamentary staff, policymakers, local stakeholders, media, and international experts. Discussions centered on addressing challenges such as limited MP engagement with communities, difficulties in accessing timely information, and the need for more transparent consultation processes.

To address these challenges, IDM proposed practical solutions like Citizens Assemblies and public hearings with parliamentary committees, inspired by successful practices elsewhere. These tools aim to enhance citizen participation and ensure their voices are heard in legislative decision-making.

Key outcomes included a consensus on the importance of improving civic education, particularly among youth, and diversifying communication channels to reach a broader audience. Participants emphasized the value of local public hearings and mechanisms for citizens to provide feedback to Parliament, promoting accountability and transparency.

The forum also highlighted the critical role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in advocating for community interests and facilitating dialogue with MPs. It underscored the need for CSOs to collaborate effectively and leverage media platforms to prioritize civic issues.

Looking ahead, stakeholders are committed to implementing these insights to strengthen democratic governance and enhance citizen engagement within Albania’s Parliament. The Parliament-to-Citizen Forum represents a significant step towards bridging the gap between parliamentary proceedings and the concerns of Albanian citizens, fostering a more inclusive and responsive democratic process.

Click to download the agenda and report of the Forum.

This initiative was part of the project “Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns,” implemented by the consortium of IDM, AIS, and Citizens Channel, with financial support from the British Government.