
Western Balkans 2020: State-Capture Risks and Policy Reforms

In the past two decades, the Western Balkan countries have undergone considerable political, social, and economic transformations. However, a number of outstanding challenges remain critical among which is the integrity of public governance. The matter of the rule of law in general and anti-corruption, in particular, are now at the heart of the most consequential political project of the Western Balkans – their integration with Europe’s preeminent organisation, the European Union. SELDI’s contribution to the anti-corruption agenda in the Western Balkans has been both specific and actionable, seeking to bridge monitoring, analysis, and policy recommendations.

The 2020 Regional Anticorruption Report looks into the legislative framework and developments in the practice of the institutions of the state – executive, legislature, and the judiciary. The assessment of the regulatory and institutional factors enabling corruption in the region is not intended as a comprehensive inventory but rather emphasises some of the priority issues relevant to potential efforts for stemming common sources of corruption. The report provides a model for reporting on anticorruption progress by civil society in the Western Balkans.

Click here to download the full report and Executive Summary in Albanian.


Western Balkans 2020: State-Capture Risks and Policy Reforms

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