In the framework of the POINTPULSE regional network, IDM shared the findings of the public opinion survey for Albania on 14 September 2017. This survey addressed these key aspects: perception and trust on police, widespread of corruption in police and way to tackle it, and how can CSOs contribute to improve police integrity.  The survey was conducted in Albania in July 2017 by IPSOS Strategic Marketing.

To read more, download the report in Albanian and English.
Presentations of public opinion survey were carried out simultaneously in Skopje, Podgorica, Belgrade, Pristina form the partner organisations: Analytica, Center for Security Studies, Institute Alternative, Belgrade Center for Security Policy, dhe Kosovar Center for Security Studies.
This event is a part of the “Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust: POINTPULSE” project supported by the European Union through “Civil Society Facility program” under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). Follow the activities of the POINTPULSE network on: Twitter: Facebook: