The World of Think Tanks: Opening Session

The World of Think Tanks: Opening Session

Lectures; March 30th 2013; Tiranë

The fourth edition of the weekend lectures “The World of think tanks” was launched on 30th March, 2013 at IDM premises. This edition we have selected 35 participants that will attend the 12 lectures until June 2013.

They are highly motivated graduate, postgraduate students and young professionals coming from various educational background mainly social sciences, economy and law.


The first lectures were carried out by Ms.

Juliana Hoxha and Mr. Gjergji Vurmo. These two lectures introduced civil society sector; its achievements and challenges over the last years in Albania. Moreover, special attention was paid to Think Tanks organizations and the differences/similarities with other civic organizations. Other important elements of the lectures are the practical exercises, discussions and sharing of experiences among participants on the role and impact of civic sector in Albania, as well as the practical exercise on spotting think tanks organizations and their characteristics.


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