Promoting and Protecting Local Products in the Cross-Border Region

Training; 4-5 April 2013; Peshkopi 

Institute for Democracy and Mediation in partnership with Agritra Vizion organised the training “Branding Product and Regional Branding” in Peshkopi on 04-05 April 2013 in the framework of the project “Branding: Paving the Path for Promoting and Protecting Local Products in the Cross-Border Region”. This was the second training of the series of trainings aiming at the capacity building of the administration of the local and regional institutions in Dibra, local and regional producers, representatives of the National Authority of Food, Regional Directorate of Agriculture, specialists of rural extension and civil society organizations at local level.

The goal of this entire capacity building sequence is to establish and strengthen capacities and skills to further manage and coordinate the process of building regional image, promoting and branding local products.

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In addition, this training is aiming at building management and marketing skills and promoting an active and innovative marketing approach for structural changes on regional level.

The training was facilitated by distinguished Albanian experts and it was attended by 32 participants.

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In contrast to the first training focused on the European legal framework and practices, this second training was focused on the Albanian legal framework and procedures, specifically in relation to trademarks and geographical indications and promotion and marketing strategies of the typical products of Dibra, such as jufka, apples, cheese and forests’ fruits. Trainers shared with the participants Albanian case studies on the protection of local and regional products from other areas of Albania.

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