
National Working Group meeting for Public Administration Reform held in Albania | July 2020

Tirana, 22 July 2020– The fifth meeting of the WeBER National Working Group (NWG) of Albania for Public Administration Reform (PAR) was organized online on Wednesday, July 22nd 2020. IDM’s

IDM project team announced the WeBER 2.0 small grant facility scheme for civil society organizations to be launched in September, followed by a presentation on the methodology and case studies of citizen’s consultations as applied in the European Union.

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After sharing their experience and challenges related to the application of public consultations’ methods, NWG members were invited to discuss PAR priorities for Albania. To this end, they were introduced to the Loomio discussion platform, which will facilitate communication among WeBER2.

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0 NWG members on the Public Administration Reform, both nationally and regionally.

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