Discussing the Draft law “On Providing Physical Protection and Security Service”

 16 April 2012 – Tirana International Hotel

Institute for Democracy and Mediation in partnership with BiznesAlbania and in cooperation with the Albanian State Police, with the support of DCAF and under the assistance of international experts organized on 16th April 2012 in Hotel Tirana International, the workshop on discussing the new Draft law “On Providing Physical Protection and Security Service”.

The main objective was to assist the process of consultation with all interested actors for drafting contemporary legislation in compliance with international standards that aimed to overall improve the regulatory framework in this area and to provide a better quality of private security service.

In this event, participation included representatives from Ministry of Interior, Albanian State Police, heads of private security companies unions and representatives of private security companies that operate in the area regulated by this law.

The workshop started with a presentation of the new draft law from the initiating institution and addressing of the main problematic from private security companies.

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The international experts provided with the European best practice in this area with concrete approach towards local problematic addressed by PSC.

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The last panel was dedicated to discussing the main provisions of the draft law according to the problematic addressed by PSC.

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