CFE 16 maj 2022-03

CALL for Experts | Deadline May 25th 2022

Call for Experts

Experts will be contracted to develop a manual for the functioning of the Local Public Safety Councils.

The project “Sustainable community-based reintegration of Albanian nationals returning from Syria” is funded by Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) and implemented by Institute for Democracy and Mediation, in close coordination with the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism in Albania. The project is implemented in partnership with the Observatory for Children and Youth Rights and the Woman Center for Development and Culture Albania. The primary objective of the project is to ensure the sustainable and effective rehabilitation and reintegration of returning Albanian men, women and children from Syria. Through a comprehensive multi-stakeholder and cross-sectoral approaches, the programme aims to enhance the capacities of central and local institutions, frontline responders, and media, strengthen cooperation and empower returnees and hosting communities.

Deadline: May 25th 2022

Click to download Terms of Reference.
