
Monitoring Report on the Police Vetting Process 2020

IDM is monitoring the implementation of the transitional evaluation of employees of the State Police (SP), Republican Guard (RG) and the Service for Internal Affairs and Complaints (SIAC). This monitoring report comprises information and data from official documents and administrative reports, input from in-depth interviews with institutional representatives and groups of interest along with data acquire through in-person observation of re-evaluation sessions conducted by IDM between November 2019 and March 2020.

Some of the main findings are as follows:

  • The process has progressed at a slow pace until now, both in terms of establishing the vetting structures and in assessing the vetting subjects. Currently, only 16% of shortlisted subjects awaiting evaluation have been vetted.
  • The institutional support for the functioning of the EEC is insufficient to ensure the effective progress of the process.
  • The low public interest and that of concerned actors to monitor this process has fluctuated the public’s trust on it.
  • The transfer of the vetting process to a stable institutional structure such as SIAC, does not provide sufficient guarantees to ensure the impartiality and independence of the process.
  • Institutions involved in vetting process and its implementing structures do not ensure enough transparency and substantial inclusiveness of the public and interest groups in this process.

Click to download the full report in English and Albanian

* This report was conducted in the framework of the “Building Integrity to Improve Performance and Sustainability in the Fight against Corruption in the State Police in Albania” Project supported by a grant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The objectives, implementation, and results of this project constitute responsibility for the implementing organization – the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM).
Any views or opinions expressed in this project are solely of the implementing organization and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the Government of the Netherlands.

Monitoring Report on the Police Vetting Process 2020

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