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Project title:
Developing a European framework for disengagement and reintegration of extremist offenders and radicalised individuals in prison, including returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families.
Preventing terror attacks depends on the successful disengagement and reintegration of terrorists and extremist offenders, including foreign fighters and their families. This can only be achieved through a multi-agency and multidisciplinary framework with evidence-based, effective practices, cooperation among stakeholders, a solid risk assessment and continuity of care from day one. EUTEx establishes such a framework by building on European knowledge, skills and products and taking them further by summoning the best expertise in relevant fields, through innovative methods and rolling them out Europe-wide.
Donor information:
European Commission – Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs.
EUTEx aims to create a European framework for disengagement and reintegration of terrorist and extremist offenders and radicalised individuals in prison in the area of right-wing and Islamist extremism, including returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families. This will enhance the preparedness of stakeholders and strengthen their collaboration. The EUTEx framework collects, tests and implements best practices including collaboration protocols (priority 1).
The framework will be concretised in a course, modules and trainings and will implement train-the-trainer training sessions (priority 2).
- A unique evidence base: comprehensive review of practices in Europe and beyond, test of relevance by interviews with practitioners and inmates, survey.
- Creation and testing with stakeholders the EUTEx framework: learning management system course, interviews, focus groups, workshop with stakeholders outside the consortium.
- Rolling out of train-the-trainer modules: training and implementation of the modules.
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- Dissemination of results Europe-wide via the regular mainstream and social media channels.
The expected impact is an increase in quality and professionalism of the management of terrorist and extremist offenders and a long-term increase in security in Europe. These will be ensured by a needs-based approach, an involvement of the target group in conceptualisation, the train-the-trainer concept to ensure further dissemination, on-the-job training to ensure effectiveness, networking between practice, research and policy. Moreover, the project shall increase transnational cooperation between public authorities. The general public will benefit from the created EUTEx framework which ensures that terrorist and extremist offenders reintegrate successfully back into society and thus refrain from engaging in violence.
The long-term impact of the action will hence contribute to the decrease in terrorist and extremist violence and to a more secure Europe.
Lead partner:
oiip – Austrian Institute for International Affairs
Albanian partner:
IDM – Institute for Democracy and Mediation
Project website: