Publication of “Trust in Governance 2023”, annual public opinion poll in Albania
Tirana, 21 May 2024
The annual Trust in Governance Opinion Poll presents the results of the 2023 survey and highlights the main trends over the years. This marks the eleventh year in a row that the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) has conducted this important poll in Albania, initiated under the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in 2013, and supported by UNDP from the outset.
The 2023 Opinion Poll findings offer valuable insights into public trust, perceptions, and attitudes. Each year, this survey tracks trends in various areas, including trust in public bodies, institutional transparency and accountability, levels of corruption, satisfaction with public services, citizen engagement in policy and decision-making, and the enforcement of non-discriminatory laws and policies. Additionally, it provides data to support significant reforms to governance, the justice system, anti-corruption measures and cross-cutting issues such as gender equality and social inclusion. Since its inception in 2013, the ‘Trust in Governance’ survey has maintained a core set of questions regarding trust, transparency, accountability, corruption, citizen engagement and ICT use. Notwithstanding, the survey’s content is updated yearly to reflect recent developments in Albania.
Click to download the report in English and Albanian.
The opinion poll is conducted by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) in the framework of the CSDA Project – “Consolidation of Citizen Centric Public Service Delivery in Albania”, a donor pool fund implemented by the Government of Albania in partnership with UNDP, and with Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) as key contributor.