Regional Workshops – Elbasan, Korçe, Dibër – 1, 2, 6 March 2012
IDM with the support of Soros Foundation, in the framework of project “Support for agri-business development, networking for economic growth and strengthening of capacities for rural development” held 3 professional workshops with farmers and agriculture specialists in the 3 regions involved in the project , respectively in Elbasan (1 March), Korca (2 March) and Shkodra (6 March).
These workshops gathered in interactive roundtables, farmers and agricultural specialists who were able to familiarize themselves with the adequate knowledge and were equipped with the necessary skills about very important issues related to the development of agricultural farm and agricultural production, such as:
– Preparation of business plans;
– Linking of agricultural products to markets;
– signing of contracts between farmers and merchants (sample type contracts);
– Concepts of quality management and food safety rule for agricultural products.