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SMART Balkans Agreement Signing Ceremony in Kosovo | 28 April 2023

Grant recipients from Kosovo

We are proud to announce that SMART Balkans Team organized the ceremony of signing grant agreements with the awarded organizations of the first round for applications for Local Initiatives, Media Grants and Creative Box in Kosovo.

In the presence of H.E. Mr. Jens Erik Grondahl, Ambassador of Norway to the Republic of Kosovo and to the Republic of Albania, we officially started cooperation with 11 cooperating partners from Kosovo.

The first public calls for grants for Local Initiatives, Media Grants, Creative Box for Kosovo have received a total of 63 applications. The total funds distributed to these 3 grant lines will be over 1,150,000 NOK and the awarded organizations will implement their projects over a period ranging from 6 to 12 months.

We congratulate all our new partners and wish them success in the implementation of their projects.

Organizations awarded with Local Initiatives are:

  • Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture
  • Community Building Mitrovica
  • Green Art Center – Prishtina
  • Sundimi Demokracisë në Kosovë
  • Udruzennje mladih – Mlada aktivna Gracanica
  • Proactive

Organizations/ media outlets awarded with Media Grants are:

  • Kosovo Glocal
  • Gorazdevac Media Group

Organizations awarded with Creative Box Grants are:

  • Anibar
  • Mural Fest Kosova


For more information, please visit:





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