The freedom to defend rights in online spaces: Challenges for women human rights defenders in Albania

This study examines the types of abuses faced by Albanian Women Human Rights Defenders in cyberspace, applying a gendered lens in analyzing how women perceive these violations, the motives and impact of such abuse, and the effectiveness of response and reporting mechanisms. It also explores which online behaviors are considered threatening by WHRDs, and how they assess the gravity of online threats when deciding whether to report them. To identify areas for intervention, research also measures awareness among WHRDs of their digital rights and online safety.
This chapter on Albania is part of a wider regional publication that covers the six Western Balkans countries and is conducted by the Western Balkans Cybersecurity Research Network.

Download: Regional Study in English

The research builds on earlier research which produced a mapping of human rights issues related to cybersecurity, with a focus on the right to privacy, freedom of expression, protection from discrimination, and freedom of assembly, published in 2022.

The Western Balkans Cybersecurity Research Network, to which IDM is a member, has undertaken innovative research in this field with the support of the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). Through independent research, advocacy, and raising public awareness, the network aims to contribute to the governance of the cybersecurity sector according to the principles of good governance and international human rights standards.

Disclaimer: The views and conclusions expressed in this study belong to the authors and the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) and do not necessarily reflect the views of DCAF and FCDO. The copyright on this publication belongs solely to IDM. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of IDM.