
Guideline on prevention of radicalization and violent extremism: Rehabilitation and reintegration of Albanian nationals returning from conflict zones through community policing

Based on the dynamics and complexity of the phenomenon of radicalization and violent extremism, this manual is designed with the so-called “soft approach” in mind and pays special attention to the rehabilitation and reintegration of returnees from conflict zones. However, the role, the tasks and the characteristics of the police officers mentioned in this document can be applied across the spectrum of community resilience. This manual informs police officers of their approach to radicalization and violent extremism; cooperation with other actors at the local level, as well as awareness and cooperation with local communities to ensure the success of strengthening community resilience, and more specifically the rehabilitation and reintegration of returnees.

The manual is structured in five main sections. The context of violent extremism in Albania, its challenges and drivers are explored in the first section. The second section explains the role of community policing in preventing radicalization and violent extremism. The third chapter focuses on police cooperation with other state and non-state institutions for the prevention of radicalization and violent extremism. The fourth section elaborates on the role of the police in the process of rehabilitation and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters. And the final chapter highlights ethical considerations and the implementation of human rights in the police activity.

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This guideline was prepared in the framework of the programme “Sustainable community-based reintegration of Albanian nationals returning from Syria”. This program is being implemented in Albania by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation in cooperation with the Observatory for the Rights of Children and Youth and the Women’s Center for Development and Culture in Albania, under the national coordination of the Coordination Center Against Violent Extremism, with the support of the Global Community Engagement and Sustainability Fund (GCERF).

The manual was prepared by Institute for Democracy and Mediation in cooperation with the Department for Public Security,  General Directorate of the State Police and the Coordination Center Against Violent Extremism. 

Guideline on prevention of radicalization and violent extremism: Rehabilitation and reintegration of Albanian nationals returning from conflict zones through community policing

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