Group 4347

Civic monitoring of 2010 anti corruption action plan

Civic monitoring of 2010 anti corruption action plan

The monitoring report is based primarily on the Anti-Corruption Strategy and specifically on the 2010 Action Plan for the implementation of this strategy.
Based on the Action Plan 2010, four ministries (together with their subordinate institutions) were selected to be monitored – Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Interior – State Police. The progress assessment in addressing the 2010 Anti-Corruption Strategy Action Plan includes:

– Qualitative assessment through a scale of three values ​​to measure the implementation of each action or measure (implemented, not implemented, partially implemented) – Assessment of the appropriateness of the actions planned in the Action Plan 2010.

Below you can download the report for each ministry. Albanian language only.

Monitoring methodology


Monitoring report: State Police


Monitoring report: Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Entrepreneurship


Monitoring report: Ministry of Health


Monitoring report: Ministry of Justice







Civic monitoring of 2010 anti corruption action plan

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