Regional Conference: Gender Agenda for Rural Development

19 November 2013 – Hotel “Tirana International” 

The Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) and the Informal Regional Network for Empowerment of the Rural Women in the Balkans, organized the Regional Conference “Gender Agenda for Rural Development in the Balkans” organized in Hotel Tirana International, on Tuesday, 19 November 2013.

This conference was organized in the frame of the regional project “Gender Agenda for Rural Development” funded by the European Union and implemented in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Spain.

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The project has supported the establishment of three National Networks of civil society organizations, which promote empowerment of rural Women in these countries:

  • Informal National  Network for Gender Agenda Empowerment in Rural Development AL-GARD (Albania)
  • Informal National for Gender Equality in Rural Development ( Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Formal National Network for gender equality in rural development  (Croatia)

In this conference, three Gender Agenda’s for Rural Development, respectively for Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia were presented. These documents are based upon national studies on the situation of rural women in these countries and will serve as strategic documents in designing gender responsive strategies and policies at local level.

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