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Established Advisory Groups for the School as Community Center | September 2020

Stakeholders meeting at "Dom Nikoll Kacorri" high school, Durres

Stakeholders meeting at “Dom Nikoll Kacorri” high school, Durres

During September 2020, a series of meetings were held in the cities where the project “School as Community Center” (SCC) is implemented, aiming to set up Advisory Groups for the School as a Community Center. Representatives from the Municipality, the Police Commissariat, and the Local Education Office, the religious community, the parents’ community, the youth and the school staff were part of the meetings in Kashar, Durrës, Manëz, Shijak, Vora, Peqin, Kruja, and Fushë-Krujë.   

The establishment of the SCC Advisory Group aims to contribute to the progress of youth activities, through the exchange of information and new thoughts or ideas that can come from all actors involved in the group. A healthy relationship between teachers, parents, students, police, and other community actors is crucial, as it will allow everyone to work together, impacting the development of students. 

Community benefits from a successful education system. Given this reason, effective and ongoing collaboration between different actors builds a stronger community by preparing young people to be successful members of their community. 

Stakeholders meeting at “Isa Boletini” high school, Vore

All actors of the School Community Center Advisory Group will collaborate on planning and building a sustainable community where young people increase their skills, learning, and engagement in community initiatives.  

On the other hand, through the SCC Advisory Groups parents can address their concerns and suggestions in a supportive environment. Also, they can help in the monitoring and evaluation process of the curriculum, especially by taking an active part in organizing social and cultural activities. 

Through the establishment and implementation of the SCC Advisory Groups, IDM aims to strengthen multi-stakeholder relationships in the community, where cooperation between different parties will create new opportunities to address the needs of young people and the place where they live. 

These meetings take place in the framework of the project “Building a sustainable community” through the “School Community Center” model implemented by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) and supported by the Embassy of the United States of America. 

For more information about the activities of this project visit: www.shkollaime.org  

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