Trainings: Korce – 31 October and 01 November 2013; Berat – 07 November 2013; Vlora – 08 November 2013
Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Deparment for Local Governance and Integrated Development in the framework of the project Supporting Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptian Communities (SSIREC) organized data collection workshops in the regions of Korca (31 October and 01 November), Berat (07 November) and Vlora (08 November 2013).
These activities aimed to collect qualitative data required for the design of the Informative Packages, as integral part of the Community Development Plans in the targeted regions. These data explored the problems identified in the R/E communities and assessed local needs of Roma and Egyptians. The activities were organized at the community level.
IDM team composed by Ms. Orsiola Kurti – Project Manager and Ms.
Elona Dhembo – Project Expert developed a combination of qualitative data collection methods such as bank of ideas and key informant interviews.