Overall Goal:
IDM initiative serves to the current needs of the decentralization strategy development efforts by ensuring inclusiveness of reform processes that rely on informed debate and evidence-based alternatives. The goal is to generate and make available real-time insights (findings, evidence, alternatives etc.) that allow for ex-ante actions by involved stakeholders to improve ongoing processes of the decentralization reform.
Specific Objectives
a) Improve involvement of decentralization (civic, private, public) stakeholders in and openness of the design of the new decentralization strategy.
b) Monitor and assess the current decentralization pace: political, administrative and fiscal decentralization aspects.
c) Assist the decentralization reform through enabling informed policy dialogue for context-relevant reforms based on evidence, findings and alternatives.
a) Policy process design of the new decentralization strategy relies more firmly on the involvement of (civic, public, private) stakeholders involved and/or impacted by the decentralization reforms;
b) Legislative framework changes, political, administrative and fiscal decentralization are assessed qualitatively in reference to the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, and the European Charter of Local Self-Government;
c) Evidence-based and participatory approach to programming and implementation of the new Decentralization Strategy 2014-2020;
d) Informed policy debates are developed periodically and enhance national dialogue on supporting and advancing the decentralization process in Albania;