
Integrity Index of Public Institutions | January 2024

The Index of Institutional Integrity is a methodical instrument which aims to monitor the implementation of integrity plans of public institutions and the impact these measures have had on strengthening the integrity of institutions. The main author of this instrument is Boris Divjak, an associate of Transparency International, with long experience in evaluating the integrity of institutions in the countries of Southeast Europe. The instrument was piloted in two public institutions, the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Personal Data Protection and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. Thanks to the findings of the testing process, the instrument was finalised, and methodological recommendations were drawn up for the implementation of this assessment.

This integrity index has been prepared to be implemented by civil society actors and experts that are informed and involved in the fight against corruption and good governance. Over 30 senior experts from academia, media and civil society organizations were trained on how to use this evaluation instrument on early February 2024.

The Institutional Integrity Index assesses:

– the regulatory and institutional framework for the promotion of integrity and the fight against corruption;

– institutional capacities for fulfilling the integrity objectives set by the institution through integrity plans;

– if the institution carries out its activity in accordance with legislation in force;

– the institution’s transparency and accountability towards the public.

Click to download the document in Albanian and English.

This document was published within the project “Serving Democracy and Citizens Through Improved Public Integrity”, implemented by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation, with the financial support of the Swedish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (SIDA), at the Swedish Embassy in Tirana.
