Cross- Border Forum of Civil Society Organizations

Cross – Border Forum – 23, 24 March 2012 – Diber

During March 23 24, 2012, Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (MCMS) in close cooperation with Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) and ecological organization “Deshat” from Dibra, organized the Forum of Civil Society Organizations from the cross-bordering region of the Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Albania.

This Forum is part of the cross-border project “Cross border Forum of Civil Society Organizations” which is in the process of implementation from a joint partnership of IDM and MCIC and is financially supported by Cross-Border Program IPA between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Albania according to the annual fund allocated in 2007.

In the forum participated around 200 Albanian and Macedonian representatives from civic organizations, unions, chamber of commerce, religious organizations, representatives from governing institutions and universities.

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The forum constituted a marathon of activities such as exhibitions of civil society organizations in cross border areas, public debates and socio-cultural events.

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In the public debates which were organized based in different panels and round-tables, were discussed important issues with common interest for citizens, civic organizations and groups of interest of the cross-border region.

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