Workshop – 30-31 January 2012, Elbasan
On the 30-31 January 2012, Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) and Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (MCIC) organized in Elbasan the workshop “Building Networks: From theory to practice”. This workshop is part of the joint CBC project “Cross-border Civil Society Forum” that IDM and MCIC are implementing jointly under the IPA cross border cooperation programme between the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania.
The workshop gathered 22 representatives of CSOs from the cross border regions of Albania: Elbasan, Dibra and Macedonia: Southwest and Polog.
The aim was to increase the capacities of cross border CSOs to apply in practice the knowledge and skills already acquired on previous activities of the project, as for instance identification and development of mechanisms and tools of cross border partnership and networking.
Finally, a CSOs Fair simulation was organized in order to introduce the activities, fields of operation and achievements of the present CSOs and prepare for the next activity of the Civil Society Organizations Fair to be held in March 2012.
With the purpose of exchanging experiences, values and communication, the participants also visited the premises of two CSOs in Elbasan: Useful To Albanian Women (UAW) and Tjeter Vizion. On the final day, participants were joint by the Mayor of Elbasan, Mr.
Qazim Sejdini who greeted the participants and congratulated the initiative by expressing full support to such types of regional partnerships and networking.