Branding: Exchange Study Tour

Study Tour – Workshop; June 5 2013; Peshkopi 

This exchange study tour workshop was organised in the framework of the project “Branding: Paving the Path for Promoting and Protecting Local Products in the Cross-Border Region” with a goal to provide opportunities to share experiences among Macedonian and Albanian farmers and responsible authorities on promoting and branding of local agricultural products.

32 participants from Polog Region, Macedonia and Dibra Region, Albania representing a variety of organisations, institutions, farmers and local stakeholders such as: Macedonian Governmental Agency for Motivating the Development of Agriculture, Macedonian Agency for food and veterinary, local CSOs etc.

The exchange study tour included:

  • Visit to Argritra office info point in Peshkopi,
  • Meeting with the Mayor and representatives from Kastriot commune and the info point at their premises,
  • Visit the apple farm “Salkurtu” near Kastriot village that represents one of the branded product in Albania, and to be introduced to the specific growing process and storage
  • Visit to the jufka factory “Zerja” in Sllove village, the second branded product in Albania and to be presented with the traditional production process of the jufka.This exchange study tour workshop was organised in the framework of the project “Branding: Paving the Path for Promoting and Protecting Local Products in the Cross-Border Region” with a goal to provide opportunities to share experiences among Macedonian and Albanian farmers and responsible authorities on promoting and branding of local agricultural products. 32 participants from Polog Region, Macedonia and Dibra Region, Albania representing a variety of organisations, institutions, farmers and local stakeholders such as: Macedonian Governmental Agency for Motivating the Development of Agriculture, Macedonian Agency for food and veterinary, local CSOs etc.

The exchange study tour included:

  • Visit to Argritra office info point in Peshkopi,
  • Meeting with the Mayor and representatives from Kastriot commune and the info point at their premises,
  • Visit the apple farm “Salkurtu” near Kastriot village that represents one of the branded product in Albania, and to be introduced to the specific growing process and storage
  • Visit to the jufka factory “Zerja” in Sllove village, the second branded product in Albania and to be presented with the traditional production process of the jufka.

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