
Practical guidelines for frontliners, central and local government officials, police officers to support R&R for returning people from conflict zones

IDM has prepared three practical guidelines for frontliners, central and local government officials, police officers to support the rehabilitation and reintegration (R&R) processes for returning people from conflict zones. These guidelines are conceived as practical toolkits, which provide guidance, exercises, case studies and positive models that guide the work of first-line workers and professionals through the case management process and the provision of R&R services for returnees. Click to download the guidelines. In Albanian only.

  1. Guideline for mental health practitioners, social workers and psychologists on the psycho-social intervention of Albanian nationals returning from conflict zones
  2. Guideline for public government officials and state structures on the rehabilitation and reintegration of Albanian nationals returning from conflict zones
  3. Guideline for local self-governing units on the rehabilitation and reintegration of Albanian nationals returning from conflict zones
  4. Guideline on prevention of radicalization and  violent extremism: Rehabilitation and reintegration of Albanian nationals returning from conflict zones through community policing

These Guidelines are designed in the framework of the programme: “Sustainable community-based reintegration of Albanian nationals returning from Syria”. This program is being implemented in Albania by IDM in cooperation with the Observatory for the Rights of Children and Youth and the Women’s Center for Development and Culture in Albania, under the national coordination of the Coordination Center Against Violent Extremism, with the support of the Global Community Engagement and Sustainability Fund (GCERF).

Practical guidelines for frontliners, central and local government officials, police officers to support R&R for returning people from conflict zones

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