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Call for Expert for the preparation of an end-line Report

The project “Serving democracy and citizens through improved public integrity’’ aims to strengthen institutional integrity management systems, public trust, accountability and increase citizens’ engagement on fighting against corruption and threats to integrity. The ultimate goal is to regain citizens’ trust as a cornerstone and key ally of institutions in their efforts to deliver integrity governance. The project combines capacity building, co-creation processes and knowledge development activities that will support institutions and integrity stakeholders to carry out independently design and monitoring of integrity building processes, as well as help decision makers improve policy design on integrity building and anticorruption. The outputs of this project that will be supported by the end-line reports, object of this call, concern institutional Integrity Plans (anti-corruption policies) and Codes of Ethics.

The project targets the following institutions: Parliament of Albania, High Prosecutorial Council, Constitutional Court, Commissioner for the Right to Information and Data Protection, Ministry of Health and Social Protection and a subordinate agency of this Ministry, Institute of Public Health;

The project is implemented by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)


The assessment will be designed as a quantitative “before and after” study to compare the situation of the target groups before and after the project. The methodology will also allow quantifying achievements against the targets as per the project’s indicators.

The baseline survey data was collected from March – mid May 2022 and IDM local resources, networks and collaborations were used to facilitate access to the targeted groups.

The end-line survey will follow the same questionnaires and methodology as the baseline survey.

It will measure the perception of the integrity performance of public institutions for two distinct target groups: public officials on the one hand, and service users on the other hand. Both the baseline and the end line survey consist of two separate questionnaires, each designed specifically for one of the two target groups:

  1. Public officials: employees of the targeted institutions, including senior and mid-level public officials and administration.
  2. Service Users: citizens that have used / benefited from services of targeted institutions, who voluntarily are willing to evaluate institution integrity and performance.

The sampling technique for each of the target groups is non probability sampling; specifically i) convenience sampling for the survey with public officials and ii) snowball sampling for the survey with service users.

4.1 The methodology of end-line report

A quantitative approach will be used to gather key data for the assessment. In close consultation with the M&E staff the consultant will be responsible for the data entry, data analysis and report writing. The methodology will include: desk study review and survey.

  • Desk Review- A desk study will review the literature, and relevant secondary data will be included in the end-line report. The desk review is important in order to clearly understand the institutional integrity management systems, initiatives and programmes on public trust, accountability and increasing citizens’ engagement on fighting against corruption and threats to integrity. The end-line team will use all project documents.
  • Surveys: A total of 350 respondents will be surveyed to assess their level of satisfaction with the services provided by target institutions. Additionally, 250 public officials will be surveyed to gather their insights and feedback.
  • Data analysis and interpretation– Collected data will be processed using the SPSS statistical data analysis software and other quantitative software programs. Draft findings will be presented and consulted with project team.
  1. Deadline for Applications

Expression of Interest (EoI) should be submitted via email to [email protected] or [email protected] no later than September 16, 2024. The EoI must include curriculum vitae and Letter of Interest.
