Group 4347

Survey Report “Interest groups and EU accession” 2011

Survey Report “Interest groups and EU accession”

April 2011 – Acknowledging the importance of this dimension of Albania’s EU accession process and also with the aim to generate critical thinking and concrete measures to involve interest groups, IDM’s Center for European & Secuity Affairs (CESA) has conducted an assessment of their perceptions and experience in the context of EU integration process. With this purpose, in the period February – March 2011 IDM has interviewed 75 (public and private) interest groups and other non-state actors, selected out of target “population” that may be considered as a societal segment which is impacted or may impact the process. The report presents the main findings of the survey which does not pretend to be exhaustive
from the perspective of thematic coverage, processes or actors involved in the context of Albania’s EU accession. The main purpose of the survey analysis is to generate informed debate and concrete alternatives to encourage the involvement of interest groups and to absorb their contribution in the framework of the country’s EU accession.

Download the  report in English / Albanian

Interest groups and EU accession

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