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National Integrity System Assessment | Albania 2023

The National Integrity System Assessment, a tool developed by Transparency International, merges in-depth research with active stakeholder participation to evaluate the effectiveness of national anti-corruption mechanisms.

This assessment aims to evaluate the institutional framework, assessing levels of good governance, transparency, and accountability. It examines the roles and governance structures of independent institutions, the executive, legislature, judiciary, media, political parties, civil society organizations, businesses, and state enterprises, organized into 15 distinct pillars.

Authored by IDM’s research team, this report marks Albania’s first assessment of this kind since 2016.

To read more click to download the full report in English.

This report has been produced in collaboration with Transparency International as part of the regional project “EU4 Rule of Law: Citizen Engagement for Public Integrity (CEPI) in the Western Balkans and Turkey“, funded by the European Union.